Believe it or not, Pack 514 is completely run by volunteer parents of Cub Scouts active in our program. Each parent who volunteers in Pack Leadership and in our Parent Committee is not only helping enhance the program for their scout but for all the scouts in Pack 514. As a parent volunteer's scout advances through the program and leaves to join a Troop, parent volunteers will "age out" of the pack as well. For this reason, we are always looking for parents to support our program by taking on leadership roles with their scout's den or pack and be valued members of our Parent Committee, which is led by our Committee Chair Jessica Arias. Remember, you are already going to be there with your scout. Make it more special by taking an active role with your scout's pack by participating and showing how much you care about your scout.
All Adult Leaders undergo online and, in some cases, in-person training courses put on by Boy Scouts of America to ensure that our program is consistent with the national program and that all youth in the program are protected. Adult Leaders work together to share experiences and den management techniques so that no leader feels unsupported in our program. A share of fundraising profits and yearly dues go towards helping offset the fees that Adult Leaders incur during their yearly registration and training process. If you are donating your time, we feel that you shouldn't have to always pay for it as well.
Our Pack also has a 100 Point Family Participation Pledge that we expect all families to meet. Basically volunteering and participating earns points and we hope that by the end of the year, your family will earn 100 points which earns your scout a special patch, and gives 1 adult a special shirt as recognition for their participation.
If you are interested in volunteering to give your scout the best scouting experience, but don't know where to start, please fill out the Family Talent Survey and email it to pack514leadership@gmail.com. If you know what you'd like to do, start by filling out a Scouting America Adult Application.
The Volunteer Positions in our pack are -
Cubmaster - Responsible for Organizing and Planning Pack Meetings, representing the Pack in the Community, and interfacing with the local and national councils. The Cubmaster supports the Den Leaders and Parent Committee in decisions affecting the scouting program. The Cubmaster leads the charge each scouting year.
Assistant Cubmaster - Supports the Cubmaster in their duties while learning to eventually take over the Cubmaster position.
Den Leader (ideally two for each Den) - Each Cub Scout Den needs an Adult Leader to plan & execute the Adventures of the Cub Scouting program in which the scouts will earn their advancement belt loops and rank badges. We cannot have a Den without a Den Leader, so if a parent does not step up, we cannot support that Den during the scouting year.
Den Leader Assistant - Supports the Den Leader in planning & executing the Adventures of the Cub Scouting program.
Committee Chair - Leads the Parent Committee and thus is responsible for the administration, oversight, and support of the pack program. The chair also maintains a close relationship with the chartered organization representative and the chartered organization to cultivate harmonious relations and maintain communications.
Treasurer - Responsible for the bookkeeping of Pack Finances, maintaining our Bank Account, and ensuring funds are available to run a successful Cub Scouting Program.
Secretary - Ensures proper records are kept within the pack and keep informed of all Cub Scouting literature, materials, records, and forms to help leaders function effectively. The Secretary also updates the Pack Calendar with new events being programmed.
BALOO Trained Adult - BALOO stands for Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation. The BSA requires that a Cub Scout Pack must have at least one BALOO-trained adult on every den or pack overnight outdoor event. That includes pack camping and Webelos den overnighters. A BALOO-trained leader should be at any overnighter regardless of whether it is a pack, district, or council event. To be a BALOO Trained Leader, one must take an overnight BALOO training course.
Fundraising Chair - Propose fundraising ideas to Parent Committee for approval. Research fundraising opportunities for the Pack. Coordinate or Identify a committee to run other individual Pack fundraising efforts. The Fundraising Chair also actively engages parents, community members, and businesses to engage in signing up for donations.
Specific Special Event Chair - This volunteer will lead a specific event (i.e. Pinewood Derby, Blue & Gold Ceremony, End of the Year Banquet) coordinating location, date, food & drink, volunteer support, and other logistics needed for pulling off a successful and memorable event.
Advancement Chair - This position works with the Den Leaders to track all achievements made by Cub Scouts so that they are presented with the appropriate belt loops and badges. The Advancement Chair also makes sure that each Cub Scouts' advancement awards are tracked on Scoutbook.
Historian - The Historian collects, assembles, and preserves pack photographs, news stories, trophies, flags, scrapbooks, awards, and other memorabilia, and makes materials available for Scouting activities.
Social Media Chair - The Social Media Chair works with Historian and Parent Committee to make sure the Facebook Group, Social Media Accounts, and Pack Website are up to date with the latest happenings in the pack.
Technology Chair - The Technology Chair is the main point of contact with Scoutbook registration and troubleshoots any issues with Scoutbook or the Pack Website. The Technology Chair may also assist in the electronics being used at Pack Meetings and Special Events.
Parent Committee Member at Large - A position that has no defined role or responsibility, but attends our Parent Committee meetings to provide support when needed and offer ideas and solutions.